
UBRI Connect EMEA Summit, hosted by UK CBT and Ripple in Zurich

September 9, 2024

The UBRI Connect EMEA Summit, hosted by the UK Centre for Blockchain Technologies (UK CBT) and Ripple, took place on 9th September 2024 at the University of Zurich. This summit brought together Ripple’s University partners from across the EMEA region, providing a unique platform to explore exciting collaborations for the future and share the latest developments from the XRPL Commons.

The day was filled with insightful discussions and inspiring moments, beginning with a welcome from prominent voices in the blockchain space, including Eric van Miltenburg (Ripple), Prof. Paolo Tasca (UK CBT, DLT Science Foundation, and UCL), and Prof. Thomas Puschmann (University of Zurich).

Highlights of the summit included:

  • A compelling session by David Bchiri and Dr Vera Radeva, on how to drive innovation within the XRPL ecosystem.
  • A panel discussion where  UBRI members; Prof. Ikhlaq Sidhu (IE Madrid), Prof. Leid Zejnilovic (NOVA University Lisbon), Dr Karin H Bauer (UC Berkeley) and Prof. Thomas Puschmann (University of Zurich) showcased their innovative projects and achievements. This panel was moderated by Dr Francesco Pierangeli (UK CBT & University of Birmingham) 
  • We finished the session with a deep dive into XRPL validators by Brett Mollin (Ripple), which explored how to maximise participation in the consensus process.

By sharing these achievements and fostering collaboration, the session not only strengthened the community but also inspired greater collaboration within the ecosystem to pave the way for further growth and innovation.

Recordings of some of these sessions be available soon.